Terms & Conditions



Name Surname :

TR Identity Number :

Address :


Name and Surname :

TR Identity Number :

Features of Machinery and Equipment:

1.  The owner of the vehicle/vehicles whose records are written above has been contracted with the real person numbered ... TR, valid for … years.

2.  Rental price is … TL in total per month. One month's rent will be paid by the lessee to the owner of the vehicle at the end of each month. (or Vehicle rental fee will be paid within .. days at the latest after the progress payments are paid to the lessee.)

3.  Fuel, Maintenance-Repair, tire expenses, parking, garage expenses, tax, duties, fees, salaries of the driver and assistants of the rented vehicle shall be borne by the tenant.

4.  Insurance expenses of the goods to be transported shall be borne by the lessee.

5.  This contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties. If one of the parties violates the provisions of the contract, the right of termination arises unilaterally in favor of the other party.

6.  In case of conflict, both parties accept, declare and acknowledge that the Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized. .../.../...


Name Surname – Signature Name Surname Signature

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