Importance of Child Seat

Importance of Child Seat
The reason for using child seats in cars is to prevent a child in the vehicle from being thrown out of their seat in the event of an accident. If this cannot be prevented, they may hit the interior of the vehicle violently in the event of an accident. Although it is not possible to predict the consequences of this, it is not difficult to predict that they will at least be seriously injured. If a child seat is used, it is possible to reduce the severity of this injury, and in some cases it is possible to avoid it altogether. 
Child seats can be analysed in three groups as separate for babies, separate for children who have just learned to walk and separate for school-age young children. Although their intended use is the same, they should be used according to their own characteristics.For all children, a seat or booster should be selected in a size appropriate to their height and weight. Otherwise, fastening seat belts will not provide any benefit.
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